Miejsce Teatr Atofri 2020 Poznań

Photo Gallery of the show Place >>

Six feet begin their journey, traversing the world in small steps.
What is it? An eye or a window? It looks interesting, it disappears. It listens wheezes, rustles, and knocks. It discovers, touches crumpled paper forms and gives them new meanings. It is playing.

This place, full of nooks and crannies, encourages interaction, allows you to observe itself. Attracts you with live sound, focuses attention on metamorphoses of forms and allows you to follow relationship between people.
Joy, curiosity, fun and creation lead the young viewer through this extraordinary world, to a place that calms and relaxes. 


age: from 1,5 year
duration: 30 minutes + 15 minutes of play
premiere: 12 January 2021

artistic concept and direction:  Agnieszka Gierach, Monika Zajączkowska, Bogdan Żyłkowski
dramaturgical care: Bogdan Żyłkowski
set and costume design: Agnieszka Gierach
choreography and music: Monika Zajączkowska
cast: Agnieszka Gierach, Paweł Wódczyński, Monika Zajączkowska
produced by: Teatr Atofri / Poznańska Fundacja Artystyczna

Performance staged in cooperation between Atofri Theater, Stowarzyszenia Balkon Kulturalny, Poznańska Fundacja Artystyczna, Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury nr 2 and Centrum Sztuki Dziecka in Poznań.

All the elements of the “Place” were dreamed and sewn by Agnieszka Gierach. They were created in the spirit of upcycling of roller blind fabrics which, when crushed, look like paper and beautifully with light.

The choreography and music in the performance were prepared by Monika Zajączkowska, co-creator, actress and director of the Atofri Theater. In line with the theme of the Theater’s message, the authors do not seek literality, they rely on abstraction and the transfer of impressions, telling stories not necessarily intertwined linearly.

The dramatic concept of the project is supervised by Bogdan Żyłkowski, actor, director, culture animator, founder of the Poznań Art Foundation.

Articles & Reviews

Julisz Tyszka, Walczymy czy przyglądamy się na siebie? teatralny.pl PDF

Monika Nawrocka-Leśnik, Nastaw uszy, wyciągnij ręce, kultura.poznan.pl PDF