photo Wojtek Wójcik

Photo Gallery of the show Outdoor version of Ptasi baj >>

Photo Gallery of the show Stage version of Ptasi baj >>

Pijo, trijo, freak, crap, quote!
How to know who is the bird and who is not the bird?
Bird noises, bird wings, bird dance …
What does a bird look like in our imagination? Beautiful, strange, fabulous.
The performance, inspired by bird poems, gets you familiar with the fairy-tale world of birds. All the scenes are livened up by music played on the xylophone
and percussion instruments.

age: 1,5-6 years
duration: 40 minutes + 10 minutes of play
premiere: 3 June 2017

film of Wojtek Wójcik
artistic concept and direction: Beata Bąblińska, Monika Zajączkowska
set and costume design: Wiktoria Wiączkowska, Małgorzata Rekusz
dramaturgical care: Bogdan Żyłkowski
music & drums: Tomasz Jaszyk
illustration: Agnieszka Nowacka
cast: Beata Bąblińska, Monika Zajączkowska
produced by: Teatr Atofri / Poznańska Fundacja Artystyczna

Performance co-financed by the City of Poznań.

film of Wojtek Wójcik

Articles & Reviews

Maria Maczuga ,,Teatralny atlas ptaków”,, 2017  PDF