photo Wojtek Wójcik / Jakub Wittchen / Piotr Bedliński

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Is this me? Is that you?
Sometimes I follow the trail, sometimes I set a new path. Fleeting footsteps in the sand changing their shapes, fleeting moment opens a window to the past. Let’s look back at our tracks.

age: 3 – 8 years
duration: 30 minutes + 10 minutes of playing
premier: March 1st 2014

directed by: Barbara Kölling
music: Roman D. Metzner
playwright: Bell Erpho
assistant Director: Thilo Grawe
cast: Beata Bąblińska, Monika Zajączkowska

The performance was realized in cooperation with the Theatre Helios from Germany.

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Articles & Reviews

Karolina Obszyńska, Święto formy,

Karolina Augustyniak, Po śladach… do siebie, Dziennik Teatralny, Wrocław 6/06/2015